Funding Opportunities
Other Potential Sources of Funding
This section could be expanded to contain information on other potential sources of funding to which postgraduate students in particular can apply. Having members present at conferences and acknowledge the group provides good publicity and exposure for the group as a whole. All suggestions on this will be gratefully received.
The Steve Farrell Memorial Fund
The Steve Farrell Memorial Fund offers financial support to postgraduate students (of any age) attending field based sedimentology conferences outside the UK. Applications for assistance with sedimentological fieldwork may also be considered. Awards are in the region of £250-300.
Successful recipients of the Fund are requested to prepare a short illustrated report on their experiences, for inclusion in the BSRG web site and newsletter.
The Gill Harwood Memorial Fund
The Gill Harwood Memorial Fund offers financial support to female graduate students (of any age) and female sedimentologists (under the age of 30), of any nationality, who require funds to assist them in carrying out sedimentological fieldwork or for attendance at international meetings.
Successful recipients of each fund are required to report on their BSRG-supported activities, normally via presenting a poster or talk at the following year’s Annual General Meeting.
The Trevor Elliott Memorial Fund
The Trevor Elliott Fieldwork Fund offers financial support for postgraduate students (of any age) to undertake field-based sedimentological research.
Successful recipients of the fund are expected to report on their BSRG-supported activities, normally by presenting a poster or talk at the following year’s Annual General Meeting
BSRG Early Career Grant
The Early Career Grant offers financial support for postdoctoral researchers and those within 3 years (full time equivalent) of starting a permanent academic position to support sedimentological research (e.g. field or laboratory) or to attend international meetings.