BSRG Committee

The BSRG committee has a "rolling" membership, and committee members hold office on a voluntary basis. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer each normally serve a 3-year term after they are elected. To maintain a degree of continuity in the committee’s planning and decision making, elections for these three posts are held in successive years. The Awards Officer and Industry Liaison Representative(s) also normally serve on the committee for three years. The AGM Convenor serves on the committee during the year leading up to the AGM that they are organising. The position of Postgraduate Representative(s) usually changes annually. Ordinary committee meetings are held annually at the AGM, but additional meetings are occasionally held at other times.

The BSRG constitution provides additional information on the running of the Society and its committee.

Departmental Reps
Volunteers are also requested to act as local representatives for BSRG within their own institutions and to their colleagues. Ideally we would like to have one contact person within each institution. This provides an additional channel for publicising BSRG activities, for example for distributing posters for BSRG meetings and gathering ideas and suggestions.

How to apply
Nominations for positions on the committee are solicited prior to the December AGM, where a vote is held in the Business Meeting if required. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions; the tasks are relatively light and it is a fulfilling way of contributing to the vitality of the UK sedimentological community.
To stand for election to the committee, please email the BSRG Secretary stating which role you are applying for. Positions available: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Awards Officer, Industry Liaison, Postgraduate Representative, Website Administrator, AGM Convenor.


Current Committee Members

Chair: Dr Rhodri Jerret (2023-2025)
Lecturer in Geology, University of Manchester

Secretary: Dr Daniel Collins (2021-2023)
Geoscientist and Nature Based Solutions, Shell

Treasurer: Dr Domenico Chiarella (2020 -2022)
Royal Holloway University of London

Awards Officer: Dr Ed Pope (2021-2023)
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University

IODP Liaison: Dr Hannah Brooks (2020-2022)
University of Melbourne

Industry Representatives

Postgraduate Representatives

Outreach Officer: Aurora Machado Garcia
University of Oslo

Website & JISC List Manager: Tandra Roy
Bank of England